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microbial diversity and evolution

The term ‘microbial diversity’ or biodiversity has become so well known that a public servant is also aware about it. Microbial diversity is defined as the variability among living organisms. The main key of microbial diversity on earth is due to evolution. The structural and functional diversity of any cell represents its evolutionary event which occurred through Darwinian Theory of natural selection.

Take the case of mycoplasmas, which are prokaryotes having obligate associations with eukaryotic organisms, frequently have tradi­tional nutritional requirements or are mono-culturable and appear to have remarkable diversity. On the other hand, there is one group Spiro plasma, which was discovered in 1972, may be the largest genus on earth.

1. Revealing Microbial Diversity:
The perception of microbial diversity is being radically altered by DNA techniques such as DNA-DNA hy­bridization, nucleic acid fingerprinting and methods of assessing the outcome of DNA probing, and perhaps most important at present, is 16S rRNA sequencing.
2. The Concept of Microbial Species:
Biological diversity or biodiversity is actually evolved as part of the evolution of organisms, and the smallest unit of microbial diversity is a species. Bacteria, due to lack of sexuality, fossil records etc., are defined as a group of similar strains distinguished sufficiently from other similar groups of strains by genotypic, phenotypic, and ecological characteristics.
3. Significance of Study of Microbial Diversity:
As quoted by American Society of Microbiology under Microbial Diversity Research Priority, “microbial diversity encompasses the spectrum of variability among all types of microorganisms in the natural world and as altered by human intervention”. The role of microorganisms both on land and water, including being the first colonizer, have ameliorating effects of naturally occurring and man-made disturbed environments.
Current evidence suggests there exist perhaps 3 lakh to 10 lakh species of prokaryotes on earth but only 3100 bacteria are described in Bergey’s Manual. More and more information’s are required and will be of value because microorganisms are important sources of knowledge about strategies and limits of life.
Molecular microbiological methods involving DNA-DNA hybridization and 16S rRNA sequencing, etc. now more helpful in establishing microbial diversity. Data bases are becoming more widely available as a source of molecular and macromolecular information on microorganisms. New- technologies are being developed that are based on diverse organisms from diagnostics to biosensors and to biocatalysts.


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