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Showing posts from October 28, 2018


 MICROBIAL GENETICS  Introduction • Genetics: is the science concerned with the cell characteristics, and how they are passed from one generation to the next. Gene: it is the unit of heredity.  It is a segment of DNA that carries, in its nucleotide sequence, information for specific biochemical or physiologic property. Phenotype:  All the heritable physical characters of the organism (Eye colour in humans, resistance to antibiotic in bacteria ….. etc.) Genotype:  It means the information in the DNA that control the phenotype. Compartments of microbial genetics curriculum  • Basic Genetics  • Genetic variation and gene rearrangements.  • Advanced genetics Molecules of Genetics • The main molecules of genetics are called nucleic acids. • All the genetic information are stored as a sequence of bases through nucleic acids mainly in DNA and in RNA in some RNA viruses. DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid serves as organism’s genetic material.  It is divided into functional units (gene