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JNUEE 2019 Exam – JNU Combined Entrance Exam for Biotechnology 2019 March 15,

JNUEE 2019 Exam – JNU Combined Entrance Exam for Biotechnology 2019


JNUEE 2019 Biotech Exam
Biotechnology & Life Sciences Candidates check out the official notification for the JNUEE 2019 & CEEB 2019 (Combined Entrance Exam for Biotechnology) that has been detailed below. Interested candidates can check out all of the details on the eligbility, application procedure and important links below:
This call expires in :
29Days 07Hours 42Minutes 57Seconds

About National Testing Agency (NTA):

The Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India (GOI) has established National Testing Agency (NTA) as an independent autonomous and self-sustained premier testing organization under Society Registration Act, 1860 for conducting efficient, transparent and international standards tests in order to assess the competency of candidates for admissions to premier higher education institutions.
The objectives of NTA, inter-alia, include:
i. To conduct efficient, transparent and international standard tests in order to assess the
competency of candidates for admission.
ii. To undertake research on educational, professional and testing system to identify gaps in the knowledge systems and take steps for bridging them.
iii. To produce and disseminate information and research on education and professional
development standards.
The National Testing Agency (NTA) has been entrusted with the conduct of Jawaharlal Nehru University Entrance Examination 2019 (JNUEE 2019) and Combined Entrance Examination Biotechnology 2019 (CEEB 2019).

Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU):

The Jawaharlal Nehru University constituted under the Jawaharlal Nehru University Act 1966, (53 of 1966) came into existence in 1969. The approach of the University has been to evolve policies and programmes which will make JNU a distinct addition to the national resources in higher education.
The University includes the following Schools of inter-disciplinary research and teaching besides some Special Centres of Study:
(i) School of International Studies
(ii) School of Language, Literature and Culture Studies
(iii) School of Social Sciences
(iv) School of Arts and Aesthetics
(v) School of Life Sciences
(vi) School of Environmental Sciences
(vii) School of Computer and Systems Sciences
(viii) School of Physical Sciences
(ix) School of Computational and Integrative Sciences
(x) School of Biotechnology
(xi) School of Sanskrit and Indic Studies
(xii) School of Engineering
(xiii) ABV School of Management and Entrepreneurship
(xiv) Special Centre for E-Learning
(xv) Special Centre for Molecular Medicine
(xvi) Special Centre for the Study of Law and Governance
(xvii) Special Centre for Nano Sciences
(xviii) Special Centre for Disaster Research
(xix) Special Centre for the Study of North East India
(xx) Special Centre for National Security Studies

About JNUEE (JNU Entrance Examination):

Admission to JNU is based on the performance of candidates in the All India Level Entrance
Examination. The final selection is based upon the performance in the CBT for all programmes of study, except M.Phil. and PhD. For Selection in M.Phil. and PhD candidates are called for Viva voce and final merit list for selection is made with 70% weightage for CBT score and 30% weightage for Viva. For details kindly refer to the e-prospectus 2019-20.

About CEEB (Combined Entrance Examination for Biotechnology):

Jawaharlal Nehru University has been conducting the Combined Entrance Examination for
Biotechnology [CEEB] programme on behalf of Department of Biotechnology (DBT) for 54 participating Universities for admitting students to four Masters Programmes in Biotechnology i.e. M.Sc. Biotechnology [33 Universities], M. Sc. Agricultural Biotechnology [11 Universities], M. VSc. [03 Universities] and M. Tech. Biotechnology [07 Universities].

Eligibility Criteria and Qualifications:

Name of Centre: School of Life Sciences (SLS)
Sub. Code & Sub. Code Number: Life Sciences – SLSM (225)
Eligibility: Bachelor’s (B.Sc. or B.Tech or equivalent) in Biological, Physical or Agricultural Sciences or Biotechnology under the 10+2+3 pattern of education with at least 55% marks
Name of Centre: School of Life Sciences (SLS)
Sub. Code & Sub. Code Number:
  1. Life Sciences – Group I GONH (892)
  2. Life Sciences – Group II GTWH (893)
  3. Life Sciences – Group III GTRH (894)
  4. Life Sciences – Group IV GFOH (895)
  5. Life Sciences – Group V GFIH (896)
Eligibility: Master’s degree or equivalent with at least 55% marks or equivalent Grade ‘B’ in UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent Grade in a point scale wherever Grading system
is followed) in Life Sciences/Biological, Physical, Chemical, or Agricultural Sciences/
Biology/ any other branch of biological sciences with 55% marks or equivalent.
Master’s degree in the fields given above with 55% marks (or equivalent) and
obtained 2 years M.Phil Degree with at least 55% marks (or equivalent) of a
recognized University/Institution (with dissertation/seminar/viva) or one year
M.Phil with 55% marks (or equivalent) with additional one year research experience
of a recognized University/Institution and one publication.
Relaxation to SC/ST/OBC (Non creamy layer)/Differently abled as per the UGC
Regulations 2016.
Additional InformationP.G. holders of AYUSH related subjects are also eligible
to apply.

Post-Graduate Diploma in Big Data Analytics (PGDT)
Name of Centre: School of Computational and Integrative Sciences (SC&IS)
Sub. Code & Sub. Code Number:
  1. Post-Graduate Diploma in Big Data Analytics – Track 1 – TROT (191)
  2. Post-Graduate Diploma in Big Data Analytics – Track 2 – TRTT (192)
  3. Post-Graduate Diploma in Big Data Analytics – Track 3 – TRDT (193)
Eligibility: M.Sc/B.Tech/B.E. in Physics/ Chemistry/ Mathematics/Computer Science/
Statistics/ Operations research/Life Sciences/ Biotechnology/Bioinformatics/related disciplines in engineering, physical, and biological sciences. Minimum of 55% in the qualifying degree.
Name of Centre: School of Computational and Integrative Sciences (SC&IS)
Sub. Code & Sub. Code Number:
  1. Computational Biology and Bioinformatics – Track 1 – TROH (903)
  2. Computational Biology and Bioinformatics – Track 2 – TRTH (909)
  3. Computational Biology and Bioinformatics – Track 3 – TRDH (910)
Eligibility: M.Sc/B.E./B.Tech in Physics/ Chemistry/ Mathematics/Computer Science/ Statistics/ Operations research/Life Sciences/ Biotechnology/Bioinformatics/engineering and related disciplines with minimum of 55% in the qualifying degree or equivalent Grade ‘B’ in UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent Grade in a point scale wherever Grading
system is followed).
Obtained 2 years M.Phil. degree or equivalent with at least 55% marks in the related field like science, engineering, medical and pharmaceutical science from a recognized University/Institution (with dissertation/seminar/Viva) or one year M.Phil. degree with 55% marks in the related field like science, engineering, medical and pharmaceutical science with additional one year research experience of a recognized University/Institution, and one publication and with minimum of 55% in the M.Sc./B.E./B.Tech in relevant field or equivalent Grade ‘B’ in UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent Grade in a point scale wherever Grading system is followed).
Candidates with Advanced Diploma (after M.Sc. degree with at least 55% marks) in Bioinformatics are also eligible. Relaxation to SC/ST/OBC (Non creamy layer)/Differently
abled as per the UGC Regulations 2016
Additional InformationP.G. holders of AYUSH related subjects are also eligible
to apply.

Name of Centre: School of Biotechnology (SBT)
Sub. Code & Sub. Code Number: Biotechnology – SBTH (904
Eligibility: M.Sc. in Biotechnology, Biochemical Engineering, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics or any branch of Physical or Biological or Engineering Sciences or
B.Tech/B.E. (Biotechnology/Bioengineering/Allied Areas)/MBBS with at least 55% marks or equivalent Grade ‘B’ in UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent Grade in a point scale wherever Grading system is followed).
M.Sc./B.Tech/B.E./MBBS with 55% marks or equivalent Grade ‘B’ in UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent Grade in a point scale wherever Grading system is followed).
Obtained 2 years M.Phil Degree with at least 55% marks of a recognized University/Institution (with dissertation/seminar/viva) or one year M.Phil with 55%
marks with additional one year research experience of a recognized University/Institution and one publication and 55% marks or equivalent in M.Sc./B.E/B.Tech./MBBS
Relaxation to SC/ST/OBC (Non creamy layer)/Differently abled as per the UGC Regulations 2016
Additional InformationP.G. holders of AYUSH related subjects are also eligible
to apply.

Age Limit:

The Minimum Age limit for B.A. (Hons.) Programme is 17 years as on 1 October 2019. There is no age bar for any other programme.
Syllabus for the test:
The Question Papers for the test (JNUEE 2019 and CEEB 2019) shall be based on the syllabus prescribed by the JNU which is available at website and
Cities for Examination Centres:
  • A list of States and Cities for JNUEE and CEEB 2019 Examination is given in Annexure–I.
  • While applying, candidates must select four Examination City Centres in order of their preference. Since the seating capacity at each centre is limited, they will be considered for the allotment of the examination city centres based upon first come-first serve basis.
  • NTA can change/shift the examination city centre opted by the candidate to another nearby centre, if number of candidates are more/less at any examination city centre.
  • The Examination City Centre, once opted, shall not be changed. The Admit Card will be uploaded on NTA website Please check the admit card carefully for your Name, Subject Group, Date of Birth, Gender, Examination Centre Name, City, and Category, etc. In case of any problem related to Admit card, please contact the given helpline numbers between 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Registration and Application Process:

Candidates have to apply for JNUEE and CEEB 2019 “Online” ONLY by accessing the website The Application Form other than online mode would not be accepted, in any case. Only one application is to be submitted by a candidate for the same level of the programme. More than one application i.e. Multiple application forms submitted by a candidate will be summarily rejected.
In order to appear in JNUEE and CEEB 2019, the candidates are required to apply online as per procedure detailed below. Before filling and submitting the online form, candidates should download the Information Bulletin and Replica of Application Form; and read them carefully. Candidates must follow the instructions strictly as given in the Information Bulletin and on NTA website. Application Forms not complying with the instructions are liable to be rejected.
Candidates must keep the following information ready before filling online Application Form:-
  • Govt Identity Details like Aadhaar Number (last 4 digits)/Election Card (EPIC No.)/Passport number/Ration Card Number/ Bank Account Number/PAN Number/ Other valid Govt Ids.
  • Address for communication, Mobile Number, email id, etc.
  • Scanned images of latest Photograph (size of 10 kb to 200 kb) in JPG/ JPEG format only
  • Scanned image of Signature (size of 4 kb to 30 kb) in JPG/ JPEG format only
  • Bank Account details for payment of Fee, for uploading as part of the submission of online application.
To avoid any kind of inconvenience or last minute rush or unforeseen difficulties, candidates are advised to submit Online Application Form without waiting for the last date. NTA will not be responsible for network problems or any other problem of this nature in submission of online application during the last day.
Particulars to be filled in the Online Application Form:
Before beginning the process of filling the Online Application Form, please keep the following information ready with you:
  • Copy of Board/ University Certificate for Candidate’s Name, Mother’s Name, Father’s Name and Date of Birth
  • Aadhaar Card
  • Type of Identification – Bank A/c Number/ Passport Number/ Ration Card/ Other Govt ID
  • Qualifying Degree Certificate or last semester marks sheet
  • Your Mailing Address as well as Permanent Address with Pin Code (Refer Annexure- I for State Code)
  • Four cities for Centres of your choice (Refer Annexure-I for Codes)
  • Category Certificate, if applicable
  • Economically Weaker Section (EWS) Certificate, if applicable
  • Person with Disability (PwD) Certificate, if applicable
  • e-mail address and Mobile Number of candidate
  • Scanned images in JPG/JPEG format only:
  1. Candidate’s Photograph: File size must be between 10 kb to 200 kb.
  2. Candidate’s Signature in running hand:  File size must be between
    4 kb to 30 kb

Important Points to Note:

(i) The candidates, before submitting the Online Application Form, shall ensure their eligibility to appear in the test.
(ii) The Candidates should fill their complete postal address with PIN Code for further
correspondence. The NTA shall not be held responsible for any loss due to an incorrect address given by the applicant in the Online Application Form.
(iii) The Candidate must ensure that e-mail address and Mobile Number provided in the Online Application Form are their own (which cannot be changed later) as communication may be sent by NTA through e-mail or SMS.
(iv) The Candidate should not give the postal address, Mobile Number or e-mail ID of Coaching Centre in the Online Application Form.
In order to appear in JNUEE and CEEB May, 2019, the candidates are required to apply ‘online’.
The Application Form other than online mode shall not be accepted. No change will be accepted through offline mode i.e. through fax/application including e-mail etc.
(v) Online submission of application may be done by accessing the NTA official website:
(vi) Online Application Form cannot be withdrawn once it is submitted successfully.
(vii) Application Form of candidates who do not fulfill the eligibility criteria shall be rejected.
(viii) A candidate is allowed to submit only one Application Form. If a candidate submits more than one Application Form, the candidature is likely to be cancelled.
(ix) Request for change in any particular in the Application Form shall not be entertained under any circumstances.
Note: However, a chance may be given to the candidates to correct/modify/edit some of the particular(s) of the application form online only, during 22 April, 2019 to 28 April,2019.
(x) The Centres (Cities) indicated for the entrance examination by a candidate is only an option. The actual Centre and shift shall be allotted by NTA and it shall be final. No correspondence in this regard shall be entertained. It is mandatory for candidates to fill all four choices as options.
(xi) Selection of a candidate in the test is provisional subject to being found otherwise eligible for admission/appointment.
(xii) In case a candidate is found providing incorrect information or the identity is proved to be false at any time in the future, the candidate shall face penal action as per the law.
(xiii) The Candidates are not required to send/ submit the confirmation page of Online Application Form to the NTA. However he/she is advised to retain the following documents with them as reference for future correspondence:
  • At least four printouts of the Confirmation Page of Online Application Form.
  • Proof of fee paid
  • Photographs (same as uploaded on the Online Application Form) –6 to 8 passport size photographs need to be kept aside.
  • The name on the photo identification must match with the name as shown on the Admit Card. If the name has been changed due to events such as marriage, the candidate must show the relevant document at the time of the exam. Marriage  Certificate/ Divorce/  Decree/ Legal Name Change Document.
(xiv) In case of any technical issue or due to a natural disaster, if an exam in a particular shift/subject has to be rescheduled, NTA may follow the process of normalization of the two test forms as per policy (Annexure-XIII).
Five Steps to Complete the Application Process
Application Form may be submitted in four simple steps:
Step 1: Apply for Online Registration and note down the system generated Application No for future reference
Step 2:  Fill Online Application Form
Step 3:  Upload scanned images of Candidate’s Photograph (between 10 kb – 200 kb) and Candidate’s Signature (between 4 kb – 30kb) in JPG/JPEG format.
Step 4: Make payment of fee using suitable mode of payment through bank as per details given in this section and keep proof of fee paid.
Step 5: Print at least four copies of Confirmation Page after successful remittance of fee
1. The final submission of Online Application Form will remain incomplete if Step-3 and Step-4 are not completed. Such forms will stand rejected and no correspondence on this account will be entertained.
2. No request for refund of fee once remitted by the candidate will be entertained by NTA under any circumstances.
3. There is no provision to upload any certificate/marks sheet etc., with the application.
4. The entire application process is online. Therefore, candidates are not required to send/submit any document(s) including Confirmation Page to NTA through Post/ Fax/By Hand.
Important Dates & Information:
Online Submission of Application Form (up to 11:50 pm of 15 April, 2019)15 March to 15 April, 2019
Last Date of Successful Transaction of Fee through Credit/Debit Card/Net-Banking up to 11:50 pm; through echallan up to bank hours16 April, 2019

Fee Payable by candidates (CEEB) in INR
General/OBC/EWS**Rs. 1000/-*
SC/ST/PwD/TransgenderRs. 500/-*
Foreign National / *Plus GST as applicableRs. 2880/-*

Correction in Particulars of Application Form on Website only22 to 28 April, 2019
Downloading of Admit Cards from NTA website10 May 2019
Dates of Examination27, 28, 29 and 30 May 2019 31 May as Reserve Day
Duration of Examination03 Hours
Timing of ExaminationFirst Session: 09:30 am to 12:30 pm
Second Session: 02:30 pm to 05:30 pm
Centre, Date and Shift of ExaminationAs indicated on the Admit Card
Display of Recorded Responses and Answer KeysTo be announced later

View & Download Brochure Below

 Fill Application Form for JNUEE 2019

 Fill Application Form for CEEB 2019

Editor’s Note: JNUEE 2019 Exam – Combined Entrance Exam for Biotechnology 2019. CEEB 2019. JNU CEEB 2019. JNUEE Examination 2019. CEEB 2019 Notification. JNUEE notification, JNUEE 2019 examination, JNUEE exams, CEEB 2019, Combined Entrance Exam for Biotechnology 2019. Make sure you check out the ABOUT US


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