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Annual CRISPR CONGRESS 2019 International Conference Concluded Successfully

CRISPR CONGRESS 2019 International Conference Concluded Successfully
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CRISPR 2019 will be held in Canada for the very first time, from June 17-20, 2019
Since its inception in 2008, the annual CRISPR meeting has provided an international forum for scientists interested in all aspects of CRISPR-Cas systems, ranging from fundamental biology to biotechnological development, genome editing, and beyond. The primary goal of this meeting is to present state of the art novel research and global trends in CRISPR biology. CRISPR 2019 will continue the tradition of this unique scientific gathering, and will cover all aspects of CRISPR biology ranging from adaptation to interference, anti-CRISPR mechanisms, microbial tracking, and genome editing. 
CRISPR 2019 will be held in Canada for the very first time, from June 17-20, 2019. It will be hosted at the Quรฉbec City Convention Centre, which is located in the heart of the city, surrounded by world-class hotels and tourist attractions. This includes the historic district of Old Quรฉbec, a designated UNESCO World Heritage Treasure. Quรฉbec City is renowned for its joie de vivre, its warm people and countless culinary delights. We look forward to welcoming you to CRISPR 2019.
After the huge success of First International conference on AIBTHT (2018) & LEAF 2019 (Life Science Educational Ambition Fair) initiated and conducted by Biotecnika, the legacy continues to stand out with its second successful International Conference – ‘CRISPR CONGRESS 2019’ held on 25th and 26th May 2019. The conference was pivoted around the latest & upcoming implications of CRISPR/CAS9 technology in various scientific fields like eradicating many complex diseases, use of CRISPR in Agriculture & plant breeding and also its ecstatic role in metabolic engineering in microbes
The voyage of the 2 day International Virtual conference witnessed inundated participation of more than 3000 attendees with different academic backgrounds. We thank them all for their overwhelming support & response. Not to forget our conference Sponsors, who lend their utmost support and contribution for these two days to make it a Grand Success. To name a few-Amrita University, Radboud University, IBAB, St.John’s Laboratory, Teri School of Advanced studies, ChaiBio were amongst our Sponsors


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