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ICMR – NIRRH PhD Programme Admissions 2019 – Apply Online

ICMR – NIRRH PhD Programme Admissions 2019 – Apply Online

Written on 06/10/2019

ICMR-NIRRH PhD Admissions 2019
The notification and application portal for the ICMR-NIRRH PhD Admissions 2019 has been released. Interested candidates with a background in any branch of life sciences like Biochemistry /Biotechnology /Microbiology/ Zoology /Bioinformatics/Biophysics etc are encouraged to apply for the NIRRH Admissions Programme 2019.
This call expires in :
ICMR-National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health 

Jehangir Merwanji Street, Parel, Mumbai 400 012
Advertisement No. 1/NIRRH/PhD 2019

Admission to PhD Programme – 2019
National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health, Mumbai, is a premier Institute of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). The Institute invites applications from highly motivated students having a consistently good academic record in Modern Biology for enrollment in PhD programs. The thrust areas of research include Fertility Regulation, Infertility and Reproductive Disorders, HIV /STIs/RTis, Maternal and Child Health, Immunology and Microbiology, Reproductive cancers, Osteoporosis, Genetic Disorders, Stem Cell Biology,
Structural Biology, Bio.informatics and Reproductive Toxicology. The Institute is associated with the University of Mumbai for the award of PhD degree in Life Sciences, Applied Biology and Biochemistry.
1. Candidates who Indian citizen and with Postgraduate degree in any branch of Life Sciences (Biochemistry /Biotechnology /Microbiology/ Zoology /Bioinformatics/Biophysics etc.) or MBBS or MD degree from India with at least 60% or equal Grade Point Average (GPA) from higher secondary (10+2) onwards for General and OBC category and 55 percent for SC/ST/Differently-abled candidate in aggregate (or equivalent grade). If CGPA isn’t based on 10 point scale candidates must provide a statement issued by the respective University indicating conversion of CGPA to percent. Candidates, who have appeared or are appearing for the qualifying exam in the academic year 2018-19 and results are awaited, also eligible to apply. However, such applicants will need to submit the proof of qualifying marks at the time of the interview or if selected at the time of admission. Kindly note that registration for the PhD degree at Mumbai University will happen only after meeting the eligibility criteria of Mumbai University.
2. The candidates must have cleared at least one of the following examinations
PhD entrance test (PET) conducted by the University of Mumbai in the subjects of Life Science /Applied Biology /Biochemistry/ Microbiology/ Zoology/ Biophysics/ Bioanalytical Sciences/Biomedical Engineering/Molecular Biology.
GATE (Life Sciences/ Biotechnology)/ SET (Biological Sciences/Life sciences)/ CSIR-UGC NET ORF or LS) / JRF examination conducted by national agencies such as ICMR/DBT/GPATOR Valid DST-Inspire fellowship
Upper age limit is 28 years as on 5th July 2019 for General Category. Age relaxation of up to 5 years (33 years) for SC/ST/Differently Abled/Women applicants and up to 3 years (31 years) for OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) candidates will be granted.
RESERVATION: Will be according to the UGC rules followed by the University of Mumbai.
Application form available at the NIRRH website should be duly filled and submitted online on or before 05th July 2019. A printed copy of the application form should be submitted along with a nonrefundable Demand Draft for Rs. 300/- (exempted for SC/ST and differently abled candidates, providing they submit supporting documents) drawn in the favour of “The Director, NIRRH” to “In-charge, Post Graduate Studies, ICMR-National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health, Jehangir Merwanji Street, Parel, Mumbai 400012, so as to reach on or before 15th July 2019. The envelope should be marked as“NIRRH Ph.D. 2019”. Incomplete applications and applications received after the closing date will be disqualified.
Important Dates:
Sr. NoParticularsSchedule
1.Start of online application10th June 2019
2.Last date for submission of online application05th July 2019
3.Last date for submission of hard copy of the application and demand draft15th July 2019
4.Announcement of candidates shortlisted for interviewswill be displayed on NIRRH website
5.Date of Interviewwill be displayed on NIRRH website



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