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Showing posts from November 4, 2018

Types of venomous snake and snak venum bites how to protect him self to the snak bite

Types of venomous snake bites The danger from snake bites and the toxicity of venom that a snake injects in to its victim varies from species to species. The recommended first aid for snake bites will also vary according to species and this underlines the importance of being able to place venomous snakes in to groups according to the properties of their venom. The required treatment for a snake bite is defined according to whether the venom is cytotoxic, haemotoxic or neurotoxic and the wrong treatment will not only be of little or no help but could even be dangerous. CYTOTOXIC  - An agent or process that is toxic to cells and suppresses cell function or causes cell death. HAEMOTOXIC  - An agent or process that kills red blood cells and prevents clotting resulting in internal and external bleeding. NEUROTOXIC  - An agent or process that is destructive or deadly to nerves or nervous tissue. The bite: The venom from adders and vipers

Eukaryotic and prokaryotic gene structure and How does the organization of genetic material differ in prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms? Gene Regulation EVOLUTION OF GENE REGULATION

Abstract    Genes consist of multiple sequence elements that together encode the functional product and regulate its expression. Despite their fundamental importance, there are few freely available diagrams of gene structure. Presented here are two figures that summarise the different structures found in eukaryotic and prokaryotic genes. Common gene structural elements are colour-coded by their function in regulation, transcription, or translation. Introduction  Gene structure  Genes contain the information necessary for living cells to survive and reproduce [2] In most organisms, genes are made of DNA, where the particular DNA sequence determines the function of the gene. A gene is transcribed (copied) from DNA into RNA, which can either be non-coding (ncRNA) with a direct function, or an intermediate messenger (mRNA) that is then translated into protein. genetic material differ in prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms? The DNA of prokaryotes is much more compact bec

Microbial mutation and its type

Mutation and types of mutation Mutation is the change in sequence of nucleotide of DNA. Change in sequence of nucleotide brings sudden change in morphological characteristics of an organism. If such change are heritable, then it is called as mutation. So, mutation is defined as any heritable change in the sequence of nucleotide of DNA. Organism with mutation is called  mutant  while the organism without mutation is  wild type . Point mutation Frameshift mutation T 1. Point mutation It occurs as a result of replacement of one nucleotide by other in specific nucleotide sequence of gene. Point mutation brings little phenotypic change as compared to frameshift mutation. Point mutation are two types based on the base pair substitution i)  Translation: It is the point mutation occur by substitution of one purine by another purine or one pyrimidine by another pyrimidine. ii) Transversion : It is the point mutation occur by substi