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Showing posts from August 25, 2019

IIT-Guwahati Researchers Develop Eco-friendly Lab-Grown Artificial Meat

Written on 08/29/2019 Vinod kushwaha IIT-Guwahati Researchers Develop Eco-friendly Lab-Grown Artificial Meat Eat meat without killing animals Here comes good news for all those non-vegetarians who are constantly looking out for meat from cruelty-free food sources or say without killing animals. Some researchers from the  Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati (IIT-G) have recently developed lab-grown artificial meat as an alternative to traditional meat, which is a great boon to save animals that are mostly killed for meat production. Apart from being environment-friendly and cruelty-free, lab-grown artificial meat such as the ones produced by the IIT researchers, who have devised a way to produce tissue-engineered meat is, also totally customizable since they are ‘bred’ using tissue culture. The development of lab-grown meat has been made by researchers of the biomaterial and tissue engineering laboratory who took different kinds of cells from animals through biopsi